Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Stop turning "individuality" a competition

I'm not necessarily "individual" if you look at the bigger picture, there are plenty of people who do similar things as I do. Nor am I going to whine about being the most "unique" person in the world because I'm not. I just do what makes me happy and don't really care what people think necessarily of it. Stop saying "I'm the most individual of all", because in reality you sound like an egotistical, spoiled, suburban tween. I'm not trying to be rude but I hate it when people won't shut up about how "unique" they are and how "they don't care what others think" (when in reality they do), but then they argue about how unique they are on the internet and end up being apart of a group just because of their teenage identity crisis and end up conforming while whining about how they "don't conform". Everyone alive conforms to something, no one lives a totally unique lifestyle, just shut up about it, and you should just do what makes you happy instead of totally donning and conforming to a label in every way. My point is stop making your "unique" lifestyle a conformity competition within itself, then fighting about it online, and just start actually being yourself. I'm sure I was guilty of this at age 12-15, but I grew out of that idiocy.This has become major pet peeve of mine now, that I will probably proceed to rant more about it later. Being "yourself" is just doing what makes you as a person happy, not doing every single thing a little group does. Sure, I identify as "goth" but if I HAD to do something I didn't believe or didn't make me happy to be apart of a group, I wouldn't do it, mainly because it's stupid and the logic collapses in on itself. Again, I' not trying to call anyone in particular out but just the little kids online who whine about how individual they are by naming obscure bands, how big their hair is, and how many duckface pictures they have on the internet; simply is annoying and childish. If you were really being yourself you wouldn't give a damn and wouldn't be getting all butthurt about something calling you "conformist". Really, just get a grip, stop being a whiny egotistical child, and just start doing what makes you happy instead of clinging to a supposed groups every move and like/dislike. Really just do what makes YOU happy, and stop making "individuality" a competition. Everyone is unique in some way or another because we are all different people, stop trying to make it any other way. And while I'm ranting, stop excluding other's from your little clique because you don't want someone to impede on your'e "epic amount of individuality". Really, why do you care if someone has the same interests as you? And why should that determine friendship status? Just start accepting yourself and everyone else and please grow up about it. Finding yourself is about finding what makes YOU happy, not anyone else. And this is what too many teens/tweens just don't understand.
(I'm sorry if this offended anyone but this is excessively annoying to me because it's on every other site I see and gets pretty ridiculous, illogical, and hypocritical if you look at the bigger picture. Kids need to start actually being themselves and doing what makes them happy and no one else. I just think being unique has itself turned into a competition of conformity, with cliques and more crap like that. I just think it's immature even though I'm sure I did it when I was little but grew out of it. Everyone is guilty of it basically but it's sad how far it seems to have gone. I wasn't trying to be mean, I just can't sugarcoat this for anyone, mainly because it's stupid, disrespectful to oneself, and despicable in my opinion. Again, feel free to disagree with me, your'e opinion will be valued, not bashed. And I would like input if you have any. But yeah, this is just how I feel personally and it's kind of stupid what the hangup on "uniqueness" has become. Just saying)

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