Before I start I just wanted to say this is just my personal choice and don't necessarily care what other people do or wear because it's their right to do so and they're free to do so if it makes them happy. But this just concerns the reasons for my choice not to wear "Sexy" stuff everyday. I'm not trying to be a self-righteous bigot and I would be hypocrtical if I sat here and condemned everything about it. There's nothing necessarily bad about looking a certain way and it can be an art form if viewed in certain ways so I keep my mind open and don't see a major issue with it in general. My intention is definitly not to judge anyone because that would also be hypocritical of me and this is just my preferences, views and opinions; and as you know everyone has a different opinion and I'm by no mean right or wrong depending on how you view it.
I sometimes get the question "why don't you dress "sexier" when going out?" Needless to say I have a personal pretty non-religious reason for not doing this. One of my biggest reasons is that I don't feel dignified if I wear skimpy stuff often. I think this because I feel looked at as if I'm a tool or an object and I'm not a sex object I'm a person with thoughts and feelings and don't want to be looked upon as if I'm just a slab of meat meant for someone's enjoyment. And feel that I'm belittling my own sex and myself if I went out everyday in short shorts or a lot of cleavage showing. I just don't want certain parts of me to be looked at and I'd rather someone look me in the eye when they talk to me instead of looking down my shirt. Another reason is that I get enough attention on a daily basis and feel a certain amount of modesty about my body in certain environments would lead to a more respectable opinion about "people like me". I want to be viewed as myself but I aslo want to be viewed as "adult" and mature at the same time. Yeah that's contradictory but I do represent subcultures as a whole when I go out and interect with the general public daily and don't want to be seen as necessarily promiscuous and delinquent. I want to be myself as much as possible (which I will no matter what) but also give a civil and good impression with a certain amount of modesty and a good attitude; in order to give people a less narrow viewpoint of Goths etc because a lot of people may only know things about any subculture or group based on what they saw on television. And I want to defy those negative viewpoints of juvenile delinquincy, immaturity and total rebellion. I want them to see that I'm not just some angry rebel or oppositional defiant but I want them to see that I am a person and if I was showing every body part of mine that wouldn't further my goals. I do believe in the right enviornment skimpyness for me is fine such as a club, with close friends, or even something more private or a special occasion involving friends. I don't have a set of "black or white" morals or standards about sexyness but for me to feel comfortable doing so the social context and event has to be right. Like I said for me there is a time and place and school isn't one for me. Sure I go out in all black, a tophat, trenchcoat, crazy makeup, piercings, tattoos and boots but I feel that is going far enough in a day. Even I have my limits lol.
But I just want to make a fairly good impression on a daily basis to people who may be ignorant and full of misconceptions about a subculture or the lifestyle I like. And I also want to feel comfortable, respectable and less like an object to others. Like I said these are just my boundaries, preferences and hypocthetical judgments but there really isn't necessarily anything wrong with sexy clothing and people can do whatever they please it's their lives not mine and I refuse to condemn someone doing what makes them happy and who isn't hurting anyone. I also try not to judge by outward appearance because I'd be a hypocrite if I so blatantly did that and felt justified in doing so in the process. I refuse to be like the people who judged me for doing what made me happy so I live and let live even if I don't totally agree with some things. Again these are just my choices and they're fluent and change depending on the context of a situation or how I feel at the time. I'm not trying to condemn anyone because I believe in the concept of "live and let live" and everyone is free to do what makes them happy is these are just opinions and preferences on a normal day. I don't care what anyone else does and I'm sorry if this is offensive because I really didn't mean for it to be and I apologize ahead of time if it does bother anyone then just tell me and I won't say anything or be mad at you. Feel free to discuss on here and disagree with me because you are free to do so and this isn't about religious reasons or my "moral compass" necessarily.